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Residential Internet

OmniTel’s Fiber to the Home Residential Internet is everything you need. Utilizing our 100% Fiber Optic network, OmniTel can provide your family with a choice of Internet speeds to work, learn or play from the comfort of your home.

100% Fiber to the Home Network

There are no shortcuts in OmniTel’s Fiber Optic Network. Our technology ensures that we are “future proofed” and we’ll be able to serve ALL your needs now, and in the future.

Local & Reliable Service

Based in Iowa, our staff lives and works in communities near you. Because of this we are able to provide timely and quality service. All done by someone you may already know.

24/7 Tech Support

You may sleep at night, but OmniTel never does. When it comes to our locally based staff, after hours call centers and managed Wi-Fi options; we’ll always have you covered.

Speeds up 10 Gbps Symmetrical

Unlike older networks, Fiber Optics are virtually unlimited in their speed and capacity. Work, learn, stream and game without interruption.

No Data Caps / No Contracts

With our contract free  100% Multi-Gig Fiber Optic service, use all you want, all the time, there is never a data cap.

Managed Wi-Fi Options

Our managed Wi-Fi systems provide wall-to-wall coverage for any home. Automatic updates allow us to fix a problem before you even know you have it. And, in case of system failure, a FREE replacement is provided.

Omni-Fi Managed Wi-Fi 7

OmniTel’s Omni-Fi Managed Wi-Fi 7 service provides wall-to-wall coverage allowing a fully customizable solution tailored to each users needs. Experience peace of mind knowing you have a state-of-the-art mesh network that automatically updates and provides notifications allowing us to fix problems before they affect your experience.

  • Wi-Fi 7 Speeds
  • Expandable Mesh System for Full Coverage
  • Remote Wi-Fi Management
  • Includes Warranty & System Updates
  • Professional Installation

Technology can be difficult.
We’re here to help.

At OmniTel we believe that technology should make your life easier and be fun. We encourage you to reach out to our Iowa based staff for answers.